Hello! The Revvy service is in touch. We help the business to receive positive feedback from its customers and redirect them to online maps and sites with reviews.
Periodically, we notice that this or that review is not published on Yandex Maps and today we would like to understand what the reason might be. This instruction can be useful, both for the business owner and for any user who has left reviews at least once.
Reviews are not published on Yandex maps or reviews may disappear from the organization’s card because:
The user deleted the review himself.
The withdrawal is removed from the publication, because it violates the rules of Yandex.
This is the official response to Yandex However, we all understand that this topic would not have been so relevant if everything was so simple. In 2022, Yandex shopify website design tightened the passage of moderation of reviews on its services.
How to undergo moderation on Yandex maps
Rules for publishing reviews on Yandex Maps
Let's say we didn't delete the review. Wrote it in Russian, without advertising, spam and adult content. It did not have a mat, personal data of employees, the names of competitors. These were the specific facts about your personal experience, which you have been competitively painted for half an hour because you really liked the restaurant. But the problem is that the review still did not pass moderation. Why is there no review of Yandex cards?
More precisely, this is how it is published, displayed in your personal account and on the organization card, but you see it only you, and no one of the millions of other Internet users, it, unfortunately, will never become available. Why is this happening? How does Yandex check reviews?

Moderation of reviews on Yandex Maps is carried out in two stages. First, the system checks the recall in automatic mode. Reviews that have passed the primary selection are sent to the living employee. 90% of the problems are associated with the passage of automatic moderation. What is going on in this first phase?
And here is the answer to the main question of the article “How to undergo moderation on Yandex cards” and “Why is not the review of Yandex cards published?” - Since mid-2022, algorithms have become more thorough checking the history and activity of the account on Yandex.
Roughly speaking, this means that if you are constantly looking for glass addresses in Voronezh, build a route along Voronezh, nowhere have you ever rented car sharing, did not use Yandex Taxi, did not listen to Yandex Music, did not order from Yandex Food, did not watch Yandex Afisha and so on ...
Whether Yandex is angry that you have not downloaded and have not tried any of its many services, or it recognizes you as a bot, which has nothing to do with Moscow. However, in the glass in Voronezh, he will publish the review. This is how Yandex checks the reviews.