Our task to discover it. Conclusion The educational field is in a process of transition. Society is evolving from an industrial mindset to a fully computerized approach. People's daily lives are changing and they are facing new tools that make old methods of carrying out an activity disappear. An example of this is the success of making online purchases, as well as the approach to companies through social networks. Such everyday interactions with technology have changed the world and therefore educational methods. Schools must leave behind the old paradigms that prepare people for a world that is ceasing to exist, that is, for an industrial society.
The way schools manage time, the division of subjects, the bureaucracy of Chinese Australia Phone Number List the school itself, as well as the hierarchy between administration, teachers and students is a preview of what would await the student in an industrial world. Technological development brought with it a change in mentality and therefore a transition to the very structure of the educational field, people are already preparing for the digital age and there are jobs that could not be dreamed of before.

It is essential to have an educational system that is based on Educational Technologies, which encompasses and provides solutions to human needs for the challenges of the present. Education that does not focus on memorization but on analysis, concentration and decision making. Educational technology presents simple tools that are adaptable to the needs of the students and the society in which they develop. Did you like the article? Then we invite you to download our free e-book on digital transformation and its repercussions on society! Share Editor Rock ContentRock author vecto