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Click on Email Accounts here. How to Create Free Professional Business Email ID with Domain Name 2 After clicking on Email Accounts, the Add Email Account page opens in front of you. Select the domain for which you are creating the email. If you are using more than one domain on one hosting. How to Create Free Professional Business Email ID with Domain Name 3 1. In Account Name you have to give the name of the uster this, if you use more than one domain or subdomain, select the domain. If you have used single domain in your panel then by default same domain will show. 3 Now you have to type the password twice.
Keep a password that you can remember and which is also unique. So that no one can misuse it. 4 In Mailbox Quota you have to provide storage for your email. You can decide the storage of mail as per your choice or can also make it unlimited. 5 Now you have to Denmark Phone Number Data click on create account. Your email ID is ready with the password. Now you can go to the Email Accounts tab and see all the information about the emails you have created. You can check the inbox of your email ID or send a mail to someone by clicking on access webmail. This is a very easy way to create a domain based business email account for your business or services.

Now there is a need for business email application or software. Where you can login to your business email. One can receive and send mail. Benefits of creating a professional business email ID Trust: It gives an authentic look to your business and helps in building trust with customers. Credibility: It gives a professional look to your business and increases your credibility among customers. Marketing: You can use your business email address for marketing purposes, such as sending newsletters or contacting customers. Free Professional Business Email ID Apps list For this list of the best email apps, we only considered email clients, excluding email services and email assistant apps.