And here lies the mistake. As long as we manage a few projects, or we don't really manage our projects, J might not even be useful to us, but when we have dozens of them and we want to follow them well, I assure you that it is very useful. In the meantime, I can have the details of my projects, know when I updated it, when the next automatic update is scheduled, the keywords used, the preferences, I can print a report... in short, everything related to the project. And it is good practice to have all the information tidy and accessible, otherwise there is a risk of confusion. Imagine being able to automatically send reports, upload them to different ftp, and dress them up with different layouts depending on the customer or partner you are referring to.
Another important potential is to have n subpr Consumer Mobile number Database ojects of a main project. E.g.: I make a report for miocliente.it, then I duplicate the project and make a report for miocliente.it, with other keywords, because perhaps my client operates in different sectors and I want to identify the positioning or competitor sites for various sectors . I find this a very interesting way to have reports organized and find information very quickly. Connecting to what was said above, I would like to delve deeper into 2 other very important reporting features: customizing reports and sending and uploading .

Also in the enterprise version I have the possibility to print my report in different formats depending on use, PDF if I have to send it to a customer, Excel if I have to edit the data for subsequent analysis and even XML, CVS, HTML, Text. While as regards the pre-loaded models I have: I can in turn modify these, for example Top sites I want it in Excel and it shows me only the top 10 for each keyword while I prefer the summary in PDF. I can add my own custom ones to this list and here I can really indulge myself and make them for each client/layout with different logos or different addresses.